Friday, August 26, 2011

Deficiency Of The Vegetarian Diets


One of the major defect caused by a deficiency of protein for vegetarians. These nutrients are essential for the manufacture of the muscles, hormones, enzymes, etc. Or, the main source of protein is meat or fish. Plant protein, which may partly offset the losses without meat, is a lower concentration of essential amino acids.

Fortunately, vegetarians have other foods that can balance the intake of foods: dairy products, cereal products (bread, flour, pasta, semolina, rice), eggs and beans (white or red beans, peas, chickpeas). At least two of these foods should be eaten at each meal, various combinations.

It is safest to eat a meal of whole grains and dairy products that can add an egg or dried vegetables, all complemented by fresh fruits and vegetables. If you have questions about your diet, consult a nutritionist.

Protein sources:

for vegetarians, beans, peas, chickpeas, soy products (tofu, tempeh, etc.), nuts;

lacto-ovo-vegetarian: dairy products and eggs.


Other significant risk for iron deficiency are vegetarians. Because, and this time, meat (especially red, liver and egg yolk) is the most important mineral. Of course, many vegetables contain iron, but more difficult to assimilate by the body. If part of the menu is fish, iron intake is not affected. If, on the other hand, do not eat fish or seafood and then turn vegetables (beans, spinach), nuts, eggs and milk to prevent iron deficiency. Do not hesitate to contact a doctor if the fatigue and lack of power will continue.

Sources of iron fortified breakfast cereals, spinach, red beans, lentils, turnip greens, peas, turnips, beans, dried fruit (apricots, prunes, walnuts).

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is found only in foods of animal origin. Vegetarians can get this vitamin from fortified breakfast cereals, fortified soy beverages and vitamin supplements.


Studies show that vegetarians absorb calcium in amounts greater than the general population. Green vegetables such as spinach, turnips, celery, kale and broccoli, some vegetables and soy products (tofu, various drinks) are good sources of calcium.


Zinc is necessary for growth and development but also for the proper functioning of the immune system. Plant sources of zinc include cereals, legumes and seafood. If you take zinc supplements, make sure they contain no more than 15-18 mg. In some people, supplements that contain more than 50 mg of zinc can lower HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

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